[EVENT]Talk Like A Pirate Day


Event Team
Event Team

Ahoy Visitors!

It's the time o' year t' natter like a pirate, 'n so we shall! Create a fun artwork wit' yer best pirate themes
create a pirate-themed comic or work of art and submit it to events(at)aruarose.com

This should be an original piece, so if we've received it before or it comes up with an image search it will not count (don't plagiarize)
This is not a voting contest, every entry that has some effort or thought will be counted and the winners will be drawn from that list. This event officially is on Thursday, September 19, however, we will accept submissions until October 12th.

What constitutes effort, manipulating the screenshot to create a comic, drawing your character as a pirate.

  • Send all submissions with the title “Talk like a pirate day” to events(at)aruarose.com and include your character's IGN that you would like to receive the prizes on if you win.
  • All images must be either attached to your email or preferably hosted at http://imgur.com . This means a dedicated image host, not a personal hosting service such as Google Drive, onedrive, iCloud, etc. We will not download albums via compressed files. It must be an image file. (PNG, JPG)
  • The five submissions will be chosen as winners as picked (By Raffle)
  • If you have any questions a discussion thread will be posted once the event is live and linked here. You can also reach out (Tag me) to me (Shinji) on discord
  • (Discussion Post https://forum.aruarose.com/threads/discussion-talk-like-a-pirate-day.184174/ )
  • Submissions will be posted in a special channel and the announcement thread (so please include if you wish consent to this)
  • Winners will be picked at random (I will be hosting the drawing from the ET Twitch channel)
  • Please don't use AI, we are not judging on the quality of the art we are going off what your intention is. Your art doesn't have to be perfect, and it's probably better if it's not. This is for fun so make it whatever you want, real art or digital.



What does not count. Low effort stick figures with no imagination such as my art here. (I know it's gorgeous)


Prize (Top Five)
Outlaw Punk Set
50 Event Points


*Disclaimer: rules may be changed during the course of the event due to unforeseen actions, we hold the right to do so without notice, always keep up with the thread for current rules, at any time during this or any other event we hold the right to disqualify you, this decision is final. Be respectful to all players and staff participating/hosting, follow all of the rules and most importantly have fun!*
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