Season 2: End of Season



As Season 2 ends, we'd like to congratulate the Top 10 Seasonal players, as ranked by their Seasonal Points:

1. Mash - 907 Points
2. Vision - 897 Points
3. DrStephenStrange - 896 Points
4. Ra - 891 Points
5. balls - 863 Points
6. nymph - 863 Points
7. Elektra - 850 Points
8. ego - 828 Points
9. green - 827 Points
10. owo - 821 Points

Their prizes can be seen below, and can be redeemed at the My Season page on the website once it has been updated. Prizes can only be redeemed on the same account, but they can be redeemed to any character within that account.

You will notice that we have ended with a joint score at 863 points between balls and nymph. Places 1st - 5th have a full selection of prizes available to them, so we will allow the 6th place holder to also receive the full selection of prizes as we cannot use any data outside of the Seasonal Points to differentiate between the two players.

In Season 2, 38 players were permanently excluded from the Seasonal Leaderboard.

With the launch of Seasonal, we gave some hints as to how we would calculate Seasonal Points:

There is no right or wrong way to play Seasonal - play solo, in a small group, a large clan, play Game Arenas, PvE or PvP - and importantly, your choice may change (or have to change) each season.

As we reach the end of Season 2, we will share with you more detail as to how we used each category to determine your Seasonal Points:
  • Level:
    • 30% of the value of your Level
  • Reborn Count:
    • Your Reborn multipled by 30
  • Achievements Unlocked:
    • Tiers of points awarded at 100 (10), 150 (15) 200 (20), 250 (25), 300 (30), and 350 (35) Achievements unlocked
  • Achievement Points:
    • 5% of the total Achievement Points gained
  • Titles Unlocked:
    • The total amount of Titles unlocked
  • Game Arena Scoring:
    • 1% of the total Game Arena Score
Combined, this gave a Seasonal Points value. We regularly updated the weighting throughout Season 1 based on the data rolling in, and we felt it covered all areas in a balanced way without making any particularly overbearing.

Seasonal has been great fun, and was on the whole the brainchild of the community as far back as 2015, and lengthy discussions last year. It has allowed us to develop the new Perks system in particular, and made available to us more new features which we could easily adapt for use elsewhere. It further allowed us to gain a great insight on the paths players take with a fresh start, in particular what needed tweaking or removing outright, which we've only been able to do because of Seasonal. We have been able to gather such invaluable data from both seasons which will be beneficial for future projects.

Looking ahead, there won't be a Season 3. We noticed the same behavior patterns from Season 1 carry over to Season 2, even with promotion which we gave to Season 2 and it's additional population: it's just a little bit too competitive to sustain. Regardless of playing solo or as a group, it is evident that once players start to drop on the Seasonal Leaderboards, motivation stops and only the top 15-20 players are actively playing by the second half of the season. There is not anything fundamentally wrong with this, but the rewards we put up on the balance of a temporary server with progress lost means that it simply isn't sustainable to offer such. But, this was a step out of our comfort zone, and on the whole a great success - so, thank you!
Season 2 - Prize List

1st Place - Mash

2000 AruaPoints
500 Event Points
Set: Seasonal Kingdom Set
Weapon: Seasonal Bamboo Spear
Title: Seasonal Champion
Body Effects: Angelic Aura, Gloomy Aura, Radiant Aura
A weapon of your choice from the Lava collection
A single item selection from the Reward Items collection

2nd Place - Vision
1500 AruaPoints
400 Event Points
Set: Seasonal Kingdom Set
Weapon: Seasonal Bamboo Spear
Title: Seasonal Champion
Body Effects: Gloomy Aura, Radiant Aura
A weapon of your choice from the Lava collection
A single item selection from the Reward Items collection

3rd Place - DrStephenStrange
1200 AruaPoints
300 Event Points
Set: Seasonal Kingdom Set
Weapon: Seasonal Bamboo Spear
Title: Seasonal Champion
Body Effects: Gloomy Aura, Radiant Aura
A weapon of your choice from the Lava collection
A single item selection from the Reward Items collection

4th Place - Ra
900 AruaPoints
200 Event Points
Set: Seasonal Kingdom Set
Weapon: Seasonal Bamboo Spear
Title: Seasonal Champion
Body Effects: Gloomy Aura, Radiant Aura
A weapon of your choice from the Lava collection
A single item selection from the Reward Items collection

5th Place - balls
500 AruaPoints
100 Event Points
Set: Seasonal Kingdom Set
Weapon: Seasonal Bamboo Spear
Title: Seasonal Champion
Body Effects: Gloomy Aura, Radiant Aura
A weapon of your choice from the Lava collection
A single item selection from the Reward Items collection

6th Place - nymph
500 AruaPoints
100 Event Points
Set: Seasonal Kingdom Set
Weapon: Seasonal Bamboo Spear
Title: Seasonal Champion
Body Effects: Gloomy Aura, Radiant Aura
A weapon of your choice from the Lava collection
A single item selection from the Reward Items collection

7th - 10th Place - Elektra, ego, green, owo
500 AruaPoints
100 Event Points
Title: Seasonal Champion
Body Effects: Angelic Aura, Gloomy Aura
A weapon of your choice from the Lava collection

Reward Items Collection
These are rarer, sought after items on our Arua server. Eligible players will be given the choice of 1 item from the collection, and we may add more items to the list.
  • Spiritual Ra Earring, Necklace, or Ring
  • Twisted Growth Earring, Necklace, or Ring
  • Enthroning Earring, Necklace, or Ring